Mega-Pro workout is a compilation of various lifting movements designed to break down
muscle fiber. Combined with proper nutrition, supplementation and rest, it will produce
positive results in muscle size and strength. This is a very intense bodybuilding workout
that requires extreme concentration and exertion. The exercises that are prescribed in
this workout are the same ones used by many of today's pros. By combining consistency with
intensity you will be training the same way the pro's do. |
Squats |
Always wear a lifting belt and use a spotter
while performing this exercise.
Stand in front of a squat rack with your feet placed squarely under the
bar. Grip the bar with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width in
a pronated (overhand) grip. Place upper back in center of bar, bar should
rest across posterior deltoids and middle of the trapezius. Chest is held
up and out while shoulder blades are pulled together. Using your legs,
lift the bar from the rack. Step back one small step and position your
feet approximately shoulder-width apart with your toes pointed slightly
outward. You should look straight ahead and keep your feet flat on floor
throughout the movement. Bend your knees so that you descend slowly and
almost as low as possible. Your ultimate goal will be to squat to a position
where your thighs will be almost parallel to the floor. As you descend,
keep your torso erect and your hips directly under the bar at all times.
Do not allow your hips to drift backward or your torso to lean forward.
The weight should remain over the middle of your feet. Never relax and
drop swiftly or bounce into the squatted position. Contract your muscles
evenly throughout the movement. Rise up and out of the squatted position
again keeping your torso erect and your hips under the bar. Use a slow,
controlled movement and avoid "jamming" the bar up at the top
of the ascent. Do not round your back and pull your knees together during
this exercise. |
Hack Squat |
Position yourself on a squat machine, shoulders
under the pads, with your toes pointed outward.
Keeping the eyes fixed straight forward and back pressed against pad,
begin bending your knees and lower (with resistance) the weight until
you are in a squatting position. Do not bounce at the bottom. Press yourself
upward with your legs only, stopping just before full extension. Return
to full squat postion immediately. As you do your "reps" try
to establish a rhythm so there is never any marked stopping point--you
move continuously up and down like a piston. Do not lock your knees at
the top of the movement and maintain even, constant pressure on the muscles.
For variety, point toes out (more enphasis on inner thighs) point toes
in (more emphasis on outer thighs). Keep head up and back flat against
pads. |
Lunges |
Stand holding a barbell across your shoulders
and your feet about shoulder width apart.
Keep your head up, back straight, and chest high and thrust forward. "Lunge"
or step forward, with one foot, bending your knees, and bring your trailing
knee almost to the floor. Push yourself back up to the starting position
with one strong, but not jolting, thrust that brings your feet back together.
Repeat the movement stepping forward with the other foot. Lunges work
the thigh, quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes. Avoid striding to far or
to little forward. Keep head up and your eyes looking straight forward
throughout the exercise. |
Leg Press |
Position yourself on the leg press machine,
feet against the cross piece platform, shoulder width apart.
Release the weight safety hold and lower the weight by bending your knees
toward you chest/shoulder area. Bring the weight down until the hips start
to rotate up and back. Stop before the rotation begins (approx. 90 degrees),
and press the weight back up again until your legs are fully extended,
but not completely locked out. You want to stop lower the weight once
the hips begin to rotate back in order not to lose the arch in the lower
back as this could predispose you to a lumbar disc injury. Avoid pushing
on your knees with your hands. For variation point toes inward and outward.
( asas pergerakan 1) |
Leg Extension |
Sit on the seat of a leg extension machine.
Hook your feet under the padded bar.
Move the weight by straightening your legs. Extend your legs completely.
This will allow you to achieve maximum contraction of the thigh muscle.
Slowly lower the weight back to the starting position. Focus on working
your thighs. Hold and flex your muscles at the top of the lift for two
seconds. Vary the point of your toe (inward, outward, straight ahead)
occasionally. Use a slow, controlled movement and avoid swinging or jerking
the weight. ( asas pergerakan 2) |
Leg Curls |
Lie face down on a leg curl machine and hook
your heels under the padded bar.
Extend your legs straight out so your kneecaps are not supported by the
bench. While you remain flat on the bench, contract your abdominal muscles,
flatten your back, and then bend your legs and curl them toward your "gluts"
or "derriere" as far as possible. Hold and flex the muscles
for two seconds. Keep your toes pointed toward your shins. Release and
lower the weight slowly back to the starting position. During this exercise,
avoid lifting your head or arching your back. Use your full range of motion
and avoid making incomplete "reps". (
asas pergerakan 3) |